
Mount and blade lord personalities
Mount and blade lord personalities

mount and blade lord personalities

Other armor includes wool and boiled leather or grey plate inlaid with a flaming heart. On campaign he wears a studded leather jerkin over quilted doublet, worn boots, breeches of brown roughspun, and a belt studded with garnets and yellow topaz.

mount and blade lord personalities

He sometimes wears a grey wool tunic, a dark red mantle, and a plain black leather belt from which hang his sword and dagger. Unlike many of his noble peers, Stannis dresses plainly. Influenced by Melisandre, Stannis adopts a new sigil which depicts the Baratheon stag enclosed within a red heart surrounded by orange flame. Though he once hoped for sons, he has only had a daughter, Shireen. His visits were even fewer, and he did his duty in the marriage bed only once or twice a year, and took no joy in it. During the years he served on the small council in King's Landing, he left his wife on Dragonstone. Stannis is not a man for easy courtesies, and has always been uncomfortable around women, even his own wife, Lady Selyse of House Florent. In his adult life, Stannis is increasingly embittered by the lack of affection he receives from Robert, even though he serves the king as well as he can. He has never had the affection of nobles or smallfolk. Stannis is an accomplished commander, sailor, and warrior with no thirst for battle, instead commanding from the rear. Stannis is a serious, stubborn, rarely-forgiving, hard man with a strong sense of duty and justice. His face has a tightness to it like cured leather, and he has hollow cheeks, and thin, pale lips. His head has only a fringe of black hair "like the shadow of a crown", and he has a close-cropped beard across his large jaw. Stannis has dark blue eyes and a heavy brow.

mount and blade lord personalities

Jon Snow notes that Stannis towers over him. Like his brothers, Robert and Renly, Stannis is a large man - tall, broad-shouldered, and sinewy. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones Stannis is played by Stephen Dillane. Stannis serves on Robert's small council as the master of ships. He has an older brother, King Robert I Baratheon, and a younger brother, Lord Renly Baratheon. He is the secondborn son of Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, and Lady Cassana Estermont. Stannis Baratheon is the head of House Baratheon of Dragonstone and the Lord of Dragonstone. Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men (claimant)

Mount and blade lord personalities